The Earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains. (Psalm 24:1)

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; upon them he has set the world. (1 Samuel 2:5)

Mission Opportunities

Ever thought you were too old to take a short-term mission trip or that you can’t afford it? Think again. I’m 48, and I’ve seen people much older and financially worse off find great treasure in helping the poor around the world. Click one of the links to the right to spark a revival in your own life.

And if you’ve ever been on a mission trip, please share about your own experience. Was it worth the sacrifices you made?

About Rick

As you can tell from Rick’s Page, I thought quite a lot about Rick, and still do. He lived the kind of life that just keeps on giving in the lives of those who remain. So if you knew Rick, share something with the rest of us – a memory, a story, or just a few words about what he meant to you. There’s still much to gain from a life so well lived.


Hey, I’d like to hear about your impressions of the new website at – likes, dislikes, problems, suggestions, eureka experiences, whatever. If you have your own website, let me know that too.

Thanks for checking in.

All the best,


From the second page

Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. In his world, everything is reversed. The meek inherit the earth. Strength is perfected through weakness. Blessed are the poor. . .

The greatest king who ever lived was born in a stable, slept in a feeding trough, and died on a cross. Jesus changed everything. By his life – and death – he taught us that the best of all treasures is found in places we least expect.

Which leads me to wonder (and echo Francis Schaeffer) – How then should we live?

We tend to stay on the circular plateau of normal life, safe in our comfort zones. And these boundaries often grow smaller as we get older. Potent entertainment choices make it attractive to stay within our four walls and “enjoy ourselves” looking for treasure on TV or elsewhere while brushing aside kingdom priorities. Trust me. I know firsthand how easy it is to graze on the world’s junk food. It decreases our appetite for things of God and causes us to miss out on the incredible banquet of abundant life He offers. Been there. Done that. Still struggle with this.

But I know our great King has treasure awaiting each and every one of us – every new day. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It’s well worth any sacrifice we make to find it.

Has God spoken to your heart about this? Any ideas on how we can “spur one another on to love and good deeds” and help the church be “in the world but not of it?”